测深尺 HR 06 15 01 不锈钢测深尺,长有15米和20米二种规格,用于船舱内深度测量。又称量油尺。Stainless steel feet, long have sounding 15 meters and 20 meters two tes of specifications, within the ca... ...
供应倾斜仪。倾斜仪 gradiometer 公司依靠科技进步,不断进行产品开发和技术改造,积采用国际标准和国外标准组织生产,企业通过中国船级社ISO9001:2000质量体系,产品合IMO、SOLAS标准和、行... ...
IMPA: 370101 370102 370103Signal bells: Made of cast br with a highly polished finish. The size is determined by measuring the bell mouth opening. The required size is over 300mm diameter... ...
IMPA: 370583 370584 370585Day signals: Equipment required on board by the international regulations for preventing collisions at sea, 1972. The standard size is 610mm in diameter... ...